Your Events Need Great Coffee and Smoothies! The 6 Key Secrets To Creating a Great Espresso…

Creating a Great Espresso - CincinnatiOne of the most common questions we receive at events is “how do you make such great espresso?” While we wish we could make espresso for everyone on a daily basis, that’s simply not possible. However, what we can do is share all the knowledge we have about what makes a great cup of espresso. Once you’re armed with this knowledge, you’ll not only be able to enjoy great espresso at events or coffee shops, but also in the comfort of your own home. So if you’re ready to get serious about making great espresso, here’s what you need to know…

It’s All About the Beans

In order to have great espresso, you have to have quality beans. You can have the most cutting-edge espresso machinery, but if the beans you’re using are lackluster, no amount of technology can make up for the lack of flavor. When it comes to choosing beans, freshness rules. And in terms of the specific type of beans, you can’t go wrong with Arabica. It’s worth taking the time to find a provider that roasts their own beans.

Not All Grinds are Created Equal

It can take a couple of tries before you find the right coarseness for the ground beans you use. The reason is there’s a delicate balance between too coarse and too fine. The former will result in watery espresso, while the latter can cause your espresso maker to get clogged.

Don’t Forget About the Water

While quality beans are crucial for good espresso, the reality is that when you take a sip of your drink, 98% of it is water. So not surprisingly, different types of water can result in different flavors.

A Good Grinder is Worth the Investment

As previously discussed, how coffee beans are ground will impact the outcome of espresso. If you’re just starting your home espresso journey, you can get good results from getting your beans ground at the same shop and asking for adjustments as necessary. But eventually, you’ll want the control that comes from being able to grind your own beans. When you start looking at grinders, don’t fall into the trap of being swayed by the cheapest home options. While a burr grinder will cost a little more, it’s the only type that can provide the performance you need to make a great cup of espresso.

Focus on Precision

While there’s definitely an art to making great espresso, this process is also quite scientific. A single shot should have exactly 7 grams of coffee, while a double should have 14 grams. The ground coffee should be evenly tamped with thirty pounds of pressure, and then pulling a double should take between 25 and 30 seconds.

It Takes Time

Even with all this knowledge, making a great cup of espresso still takes practice. So if your first few tries aren’t as good as you expected, don’t get discouraged! As long as you stick to these principles and keep trying, your espresso quality will improve. 

Please keep Valet Coffee in mind when you are planning your next Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky event! 

Contact us (859-409-1628) for a free consultation!

logoAbout Valet Coffee

Valet Coffee is a full service, mobile espresso and smoothie bar. It’s a unique way to impress customers, appreciate employees and kick up any special event to the next level. Our professional baristas will bring the taste and feel of an authentic European coffee house. We do all the work, all you have to do is entertain. Valet Coffee’s mobile espresso and smoothie bars are one of Greater Cincinnati’s best marketing tools.
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